FSU Department of Art Ed Closes Spring Semester with Honors

Florida State University’s Department of Art Education closed out the Spring Semester of 2018 with multiple accolades. Congratulations to our Preservice Graduates (Emily Ann McCullers Kelly, Kimberly Stearns, Haley Edson, Capri Andrews, Sammantha Sanchez, Leigha Kelly-Knight, and Jessica Barthle) who have completed our teacher certification program and are ready to take on the world as … [Read more…]

Florida State University Shines at National Art Education Association Conference

Florida State University’s Department of Art Education displayed an impressive presence at the 2018 National Art Education Association (NAEA) Convention in Seattle, Washington. Annually, NAEA hosts the largest gathering of art educators in the world and this year was no exception with over 4,000 art educators in attendance and more than 1,000 sessions, workshops, tours, … [Read more…]

“Art & Education for Social Justice” Symposium was an Inspiring Success

The “Art and Education for Social Justice Symposium” hosted by the Department of Art Education on the campus of Florida State University on January 27th and 28th (https://art4socialjustice.wordpress.com ) was an inspiring success! The conference chair, Dr. Rachel Fendler – along with our co-sponsors from the University of Georgia- organized an amazing line-up that featured … [Read more…]

Art and Education for Social Justice Symposium: Jan 27 – 28 at Florida St University

There’s still time to register for the 9th “Art and Education for Social Justice Symposium” to be hosted by the Department of Art Education on the campus of Florida State University on January 27th and 28th (https://art4socialjustice.wordpress.com ) . The conference chair, Dr. Rachel Fendler, along with our co-sponsors from the University of Georgia have … [Read more…]

Congratulations 2017 FSU Art Ed Student Teachers

Congratulations to the 2017 cohort of student teachers from Florida State University’s Department of art education for successfully completing their instructional internships during the fall semester. This outstanding group of preservice art teachers was expertly led by FSU’s Art Education Coordinator of Teacher Certification (Dr. Sara Scott Shields) and a group of dedicated instructors and … [Read more…]

November NAEA Board Meeting a Success

I just returned from Seattle where I attended a Board of Directors meeting for the National Art Education Association. Thank you Deborah Reeve, Kim Huyler Defibaugh, Pat Franklin, Melanie Dixon, and the entire NAEA staff for your excellent leadership. So much was accomplished, and I’m looking forward to the National Convention in March. I was … [Read more…]

FSU Art Ed Soars at FAEA Conference

Florida State University’s Department of Art Education displayed an impressive presence at this year’s Florida Art Education Association Conference in St. Petersburg. A number of FSU faculty, instructors, students and alumni delivered memorable presentations including Dr. Sara Scott Shields, Nicole Crane (President of FAEA), Paige Smith-Wyatt, Jay Boda, Dr. Susannah Brown, Ruthie Platt, Deanna Filiault, … [Read more…]

FSU to Co-Host “Art & Education for Social Justice Symposium”: Submit Your Proposal NOW

Reminder: Florida State University’s Department of Art Education in cooperation with the University of Georgia is hosting the “9th Art and Education for Social Justice Symposium”. The deadline for submissions for presentations is fast approaching on Sunday, October 15th. Please see the link for more details: art4socialjustice.wordpress.com We encourage those of you interested in art … [Read more…]

Multiple Accolades for FSU Department of Art Education

The summer and fall semesters have been very productive for faculty, students, alumni, and collaborators within Florida State University’s Department of Art Education, and they’ve collected many well deserved accolades in honor of their hard work. Congratulations goes to Florida State University’s own Dr. Sara Scott Shields for her outstanding and moving article offering a … [Read more…]