
To download Jeff’s scholarly publications, please go to his pages on or Researchgate.

Published Conference Proceedings:
Art education's response to the coronavirus and contemporary events in the US: A system's view
* Published for the Joint Art Education Conference in Korea, edited by R. Ji-Young (2022)
Arts-informed narrative reflection

* (Co-authored with Rex Broome)
* Published in Art Education (2022)
Same standards, different classes: A comparative case study of two art classes within communities of contrasting socioeconomic status
* (Co-authored with Yiwen Wei)
* Studies in Art Education (2022)

Hip-hop, art, and visual culture:
Connections, influences, and critical
* Co-edited by Jeffrey L. Broome and
Lisa Munson (2020)
Encyclopedia Entry:
Curriculum management in art
* Published in "The International
Encyclopedia of Art and Design
Education" (Vol. 2) edited by K.
Freedman (2019)
Responding to the challenge to care:
Suggestions for art education curricula
* Co-authored with Bryna Bobick,
Alyssia Ruggiero, & Cindy Jesup
* Published in Art Education (2019)

Media Review:

Hip hop family tree treasury editions:
A book review for art and visual culture educators

* Published in Arts (2019)
Online Ancillary Resource:

Families: Accepting otherness and a
model for caring
* Published for "Global Consciousness
through the Arts" by Richards & Willis
Article: Critical thinking: Art criticism as a tool for analyzing & evaluating art, instructional practice & social justice issues * (Co-authored with Pereira and Anderson) * International Journal of Art & Design Education (2018)

Essays on systems thinking: Applications for art education
* Co-authored with Marshall, Smilan, Jung, Eudy, Vanada, Love, & Villeneuve
* Journal of Art for Life (2017)
Book Chapter:
Art education with migrant Hispanic populations in multi-age elementary
classrooms: Instructional strategies learned from practice * Published in "Culturally Sensitive Art Education in a Global World" edited by Manifold, Willis, & Zimmerman (2016)
The art teacher and multi-age homeroom teachers: Qualitative observations and comparisons
* Published in the International Journal of Education and the Arts (2016)


Using hip-hop music to enhance critical discussions on postmodern art

* Published in Art Education (2015)
Assessing the professional development needs of arts instructors working in
multi-age classrooms
* Published in Arts Education Policy Review (2016)
Article: Experiences in multiage art education: Suggestions for teachers working with split class combinations
* Coauthored with Heid, Johnston, & Serig * Published in Art Education (2015)

Commentary – The case for humanistic curriculum: A discussion of curriculum theory applied to art education
* Published in the Journal of Art for Life (2014)
Unraveling the yarn: Self-reflection, critical incidents, and missteps leading to continued growth as a culturally sensitive art educator * Published in the Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education (2014)
Factors influencing art teachers’ perceptions of multiage classes

* Published in Visual Arts Research (2014)

A case study in classroom management and school involvement: Designing an art room for effective learning
* Published in Art Education (2013)
Published Symposium Proceedings
Gifted and artistically talented in a rural environment: Personal reflections from experience
* Published for the International Symposium on Gifted Education in Arts, edited by T. Kang (2012)
Book Chapter:
Survey research
* Published in "Practice theory: Seeing the power of art teacher researchers" edited by M. Buffington, & S. W. McKay (2013)

Published Symposium Proceedings
Suggested approaches for gifted art education in a postmodern age: Art for Life and multi-age education as guiding models * Published for the International Symposium on Gifted Education in Arts, T. Kang (Ed.), (2012)
An integrated and collaborative approach to Art for Life: The impact of environmental forces on our lives
* Coauthored with Monica Broome
* Published in the Journal of Art for Life (2010)
Observations from a
multiage art classroom

* Published in the Journal of Art Education Australia, 32(2), 86-104 (2009)

Refereed Report:

Arranging your art room
for effective learning

* Published as a National Art Education Association Advisory (2008)

A descriptive study of multi-age art education in Florida

* Published in Studies in Art Education (2009)
Multiage education as an alternative to the McDonaldization of schools: Applying Ritzer’s sociological framework to modern education
* Journal of Multiage Education (2008)