Presentations & Workshops

Invited Lecture:
Northern Illinois University

Jeff regularly delivers presentations at international, national, and state conferences. He has given invited lectures at school district workshops, the University of Georgia, Northern Illinois University, and the Korean National Research Institute for the Gifted in Arts. Jeff has also delivered invited virtual lectures for numerous North American universities, Diyala University (Iraq), Ewha Woman’s University (South Korea), Nanjing Normal University (China), and for the Joint Art Education Conference in Korea.

Jeff can lead workshops or give presentations on a variety of topics including, but not limited to, caring approaches to art curricula, classroom management for art teachers, the implementation of multi-age models of instruction for arts educators, and the use of narrative inquiry and surveys as research tools.

Please use the contact information below to contact Jeff about potential presentations for keynote lectures or other school district, university, or community events related to art education.

Invited Lecture and Panelist for the International Symposium on Gifted Education in Arts (Seoul, South Korea)

Left: Invited Lecture, College of Fine Arts, University of Diyala (Iraq)
Right: Invited Virtual Lecture, University of Memphis

Left: Invited Keynote Lecture for the Joint Art Education Conference in Korea
Right: Invited Keynote Speaker, Visual Arts Department, Pinellas County Schools, Florida

Art Education Research Institute, Northern Illinois University, Naperville

Art and Education for Social Justice Symposium at the University of Georgia (left);
Virtual Lecture at Ewa Womans University, South Korea (right)

Invited Panelist: Symposium on Hip Hop and Education