Badreyah Almuqhawi Defends PhD Doctoral Dissertation in Art Education

Congratulations to Badreyah Almuqhawi for her recent successful defense of her doctoral dissertation in art education at Florida State University. It was an honor to serve as her major professor, and I can’t thank the rest of her doctoral committee enough for their support (Sara Scott Shields, Ann Rowson Love, and Will Hanley). Congratulations, Dr. … [Read more…]

AERI: FSU at University of Cambridge, England

FSU Art Education was well represented at the Art Education Research Institute Symposium held this year at the University of Cambridge! (It was a special treat to be in England and have Monica and Carson along for a family celebration!) The Symposium Agenda listed presentations and sessions led by FSU faculty, students, and alumni including … [Read more…]

Promoton to full Professor!

It was announced at the beginning of the semester that I was promoted! As a Full Professor, I now hold the highest instructional rank at colleges and universities beyond honorary titles and switching lanes to admin, etc. This was a long time coming and I’ve got lots more I want to accomplish, but it’s important … [Read more…]

Congratulations Spring Grads FSU Art Ed

I’m so proud of all of our recent graduates of Florida State University’s Department of Art Education! Whether they are heading out to become professional K-12 art teachers or become professors in higher education, I couldn’t be more proud. Well deserved shout-outs especially to Dr. Stephen Newbold, Gabrielle Roland, Maile Santora, Julianna Sutton, Michelle Zheng … [Read more…]

FSU’s Big Presence at NAEA Convention

Last month Florida State University’s Department of Art Education had another tremendous showing at the National Art Education Association Conference in Minneapolis! The list of FSU faculty, students, and alum who were accepted to give presentations was impressive as always, and included (but was not limited to): Associate Dean – Sara Scott Shields, Departmental Chair … [Read more…]

Florida State at 2023 FAEA Conference

Florida State University had another great showing at the recent annual Florida Art Education Association Conference. FSU Alum, Dr. Laurie Hoppock, was acknowledged with the “Supervisor/Administrator of the Year Award”. Presentations and Artist Bazaar booths were led by FSU Alumni, Faculty, and students including, but not limited to: Dr. Rachel Fendler, Dr. Amber Ward, Caiti … [Read more…]

Publication of New Book: “Real Lives Now”

Renee Sandell and I are proud to announce that our new book, “Real Lives Now: Narratives of Art Educators and 21st Century Learning”, is officially published and available for purchase! It’s available at the NAEA website (discounted for members, full price for non-members). It’s also available through Amazon for anyone as both a paperback and … [Read more…]