Renee Sandell and I are proud to announce that our new book, “Real Lives Now: Narratives of Art Educators and 21st Century Learning”, is officially published and available for purchase! It’s available at the NAEA website (discounted for members, full price for non-members). It’s also available through Amazon for anyone as both a paperback and kindle version. (Both websites listed below.) Thanks to Tom Anderson who supported this project as a sequel to his own work, and to all of our participants (your copy should be on the way soon). There’s still time for Art Ed professors to consider the book for fall classes for pre-service students, graduate reflection, on narrative inquiry methods, and more. In short, the book showcases the stories and day-to-day lives of contemporary art teachers. The featured educators—including several art teachers, an art museum educator, and an art supervisor—have a particular set of problems and opportunities within a particular locale, community, and educational environment. As a follow-up to “Real Lives: Art Teachers and the Cultures of School” by Tom Anderson, we used narrative inquiry and field-based methods to highlight the lives and experiences of each educator. NAEA website: Amazon website: