Recap of NAEA Convention: Florida State University Participation

Florida State University’s Department of Art Education had a great showing at this year’s Virtual National Art Education Association Conference. FSU faculty members (Sara Scott Shields, Ann Rowson Love, Pat Villeneuve, Amber Ward, Lisa Munson) and students (Danielle Henn, Egda Claudio, Stevie Newbold) all gave presentations. FSU Alumna Nicole Crane won the prestigious National Elementary … [Read more…]

Presentation at the International Symposium on Autoethnography & Narrative

I spent part of this weekend attending the International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative (virtually of course). It was an honor to have my proposal selected among the slate of presentations. (FSU alumna Jennifer Garcia gave a wonderful presentation too!) My presentation was included within a session on “The Art of/in Autoethnography” and was paired … [Read more…]

Save the Date: AERI Virtual Symposium Events

The Art Education Research Institute Symposium Planning Committee has been hard at work in scheduling a series of free virtual symposium events for the fall semester.  These events have been titled the “AERI Friday Dialogue Series: A Just-In-Time Virtual Symposium” We hope that you will consider joining us for these virtual events. Please share the information below … [Read more…]

2020 FSU Art Education Graduates Ready for Careers in K-12 Art Instruction

Congratulations to the 2020 preservice graduates from Florida State University’s Department of Art Education. These outstanding scholars (Emily Faehnle, Gerri Sweeney, Meghan Hoss, Brie Medina, Stef Prieto, Jessica Ens) have completed our teacher certification program – under very unusual circumstances – and are ready to enter the profession of K-12 art instruction! You have demonstrated … [Read more…]

Honored by NAEA’s Southeastern Region

It was nice to head out to the mailbox the other day and receive some more good news. I was recently named the National Art Education Association’s Southeastern Region Higher Educator of the Year! (Our national conference in Minneapolis was canceled – of course – so I received the recognition in the mail, instead of … [Read more…]

FSU Art Ed. Professors, Students, Alumna Present at Social Justice Symposium

The University of Georgia’s Lamar Dodd School of Art and the School of Social Work recently hosted the 10th annual Art and Education for Social Justice Symposium, and representatives of Florida State University’s Department of Art Education played major roles in the symposium agenda. Presentations were given by FSU professors (Dr. Sara Scott Shields, Dr. Amber … [Read more…]

My First FAEA Board Meeting

I recently returned from central Florida where I attended my first Board of Directors meeting for the Florida Art Education Association. Thank you Jackie Henson-Dacey, Lark Keeler, Nancy Puri, Richard Brown, and the entire staff at the Center of Fine Arts Education for your excellent leadership. So much was accomplished, and I was inspired by all … [Read more…]