Florida State University’s Department of Art Education recently hosted the “Arts & Education Social Justice Symposium” on our campus in Tallahassee, FL. It was an inspiring event expertly co-organized by my good friends and colleagues, Dr. Rachel Fendler and Dr. Amber Ward, and supported by Dean James Frazier and Departmental Chair, Dr. Sara Scott Shields. Many FSU alum, faculty, staff, and students gave presentations and contributed to the symposium, including (but not limited to): keynote co-speaker Amanda Thompson, nik rye, Dave Gussak, Michelle Torrech-Perez, Marissa Hart, Amber Ward, Sara Scott Shields, Rachel Fendler, Flavia S. Ramos-Mattoussi, Zimeng Zhang, Kristin Dowell, Maclain Hardin-Kurza, Ashley Williams, Kara Fedje, Jill Pable, Marcia Meale, Anthony Woodruff, Alexandra Allen, Daeyung Kim, Donald Sheppard, Jessica Barthle, Oksun Lee, Meredith Lynn, and Tenley Bick. I was honored to give a presentation as well. The event was motivating and inspiring, and I’m looking forward to the next symposium at the University of Georgia in 2025.