I recently returned from central Florida where I attended my first Board of Directors meeting for the Florida Art Education Association. Thank you Jackie Henson-Dacey, Lark Keeler, Nancy Puri, Richard Brown, and the entire staff at the Center of Fine Arts Education for your excellent leadership. So much was accomplished, and I was inspired by all my friends on the board and look forward to the tasks ahead. Thank you Britt Feingold, Colleen Schmidt, Ashley Monks, Latonya Hicks, Pamela Haas, Miriam Machado, Christine Schebilski, Bonnie Bernau, Michael Ann Elliot, Christy Garton, and everyone else for your inspiration as leaders in art education (I have much to live up to). 🙂 It was a great meeting, and I’m enjoying working with and getting to know you all so much better!