At the 67th annual Florida Art Education Association (FAEA) Conference in Ponte Vedra, FL, five members of Florida State University’s art education family were honored to learn that they were elected to the FAEA Board of Directors. Associate Professor Dr. Jeff Broome was elected as the incoming Director of the Higher Education Division, while FSU alumni Latonya Hicks, Bonnie Bernau, Chrissy Schebilski, and Michael Ann Elliot were respectively elected as the Director of the High School Division, Representative of the Retired Art Educators Group, Representative of the Local Art Education Assemblies, and as a Member at Large. FAEA is is the leading professional membership organization exclusively for visual arts educators in the state of Florida and its mission is to promote art education through professional development, service, advancement of knowledge, and leadership. The FAEA Board works hard to ensure the association is successful in providing members with programs and services that fulfill its mission of supporting high-quality art education for all students in the state of Florida.