The 67th Florida Art Education Association (FAEA) Conference was recently held on November 7th – 10th in Ponte Vedra, FL and Florida State University’s Department of Art Education had an amazing showing. Presentations were given by a number of FSU faculty, students, alumni, and friends – including (but not limited to), Dr. Sara Scott Shields, Dr. Amber Ward, Dr. Jeff Broome, Chrissy Schebilski, Jessica Sodano, Latonya Hicks, Barbara Davis, Debi Barrett-Hayes, Dr. Susannah Brown, Ruthie Platt, Cindy Jesup, Danielle Henn, Joanna Davis, Jennifer Garcia, Meghan Hoss, Brie Medina, Emily Faehnle, Gerri Hardin, Jessica Ens, Bonnie Bernau, Dr. Nicole Crane and many more. FAEA is the leading professional membership organization exclusively for visual arts educators in the state of Florida and its mission is to promote art education through professional development, service, advancement of knowledge, and leadership.